March 23, 2022
23. March 2022
18:00-19:00 GMT
defined the relation between these various selves—actual, ideal and ought—in his self-discrepancy theory
London, 196 Tottenham Court Rd
March 23, 2022 6:00 PM
March 23, 2022 7:00 PM
「E. Tory Higgins」 defined the relation between these various selves—actual, ideal and ought—in his self-discrepancy theory. The ideal and ought selves are our “guides” or standards that we use to organize information and motivate action. The motivational properties of these selves are related to the specific emotions that are associated with the discrepancy between the actual self and either the ideal or ought self.
The project「MYSELF」demonstrate the discrepancy between 「actual self」「ought self」and「ideal self」and also show the specific negative emotions they may cause through a story with media by installation and performance.
Director: Changyu Yang
Performer: Shan Shen
Musician: Zixian Wang, Tong Gao
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