May 21, 2013
The Architectural Association’s Inter-professional studio performs vivid flows between body and space through themes of water. The multi-sensory installation Flow Field is focused on journeys of water and our relationshipto them through movement, sound and cultural activities.
From the first iteration on Flow Field at the Zaha Hadid designed Roca Gallery in London, the studio expands the project to the Matadero and continues its collaboration such as Distract Fold Ensemble,
New Movement Collective and the Fundacio Enric Miralles. The Architectural Association’s Interprofessional studio installation continued to permeate the Matardero before it continued to the Lisbon ArchitectureTriennale in September 2013.
Through the AAIS Flow Fields programme, interactive installations, music and dance combine to address atmosphere changes within the Sinel de Cordes Palace by inciting the senses. Through manipulations of water and light, forms in flux, live soundscape compositions and interactive navigation, visitors will experienceheightened atmospheric awareness as they explore throughout the palace courtyard. As a continuous flow of events running from the 12th - 15th of September, the visitors become an integral part of the activities.
Hear the Cloud
Hear the Cloud is a performative object, seemingly formed like a floating cloud on the wall of thecourtyard. As time passes, it
gradually expands its structure and plays the sound translation of invisible vapor particles. Expansion andcontraction of the cloud represents the humidity changes corresponding to the sound gradually effected by moist. This work explores the invisible realm surrounding us and makes it tangible.
Touch The sound!
Visitors experience memory of the Palace or childhood through soundscapes activated by magnets. The sound sources generate interaction amongst the visitors, who then become part of the performance in thecourtyard. As pre-recorded sounds highlight the old memory of the courtyard, new memories of the Palace arerecreated through reiterations and translations.
Hear The shadow!
With light, projection, sound and shadow, the domes creates a flowing lively atmosphere in the courtyard andindicate the concept of diluting architecture. The elements of sound, light and projections create illusory scenes mixed with real circumstances to blur the boundary of illusion and reality.
Hear the Light!
Performed throughout the Sinel de Cordes Palace, Hear the Light! unites dance, music, water and sunlight. Two tuning experiments -- one with sound and one with movement -- are performed concurrently side by side; dancers and musicians operate independently of each other, and synchronicity is left to chance.
During the performance costumes and objects are used to manipulate light and water, addressing the sensesand transforming the palace into a stage in flux.
Flow Fields culminates its finale performance with the voices of a choir singing nostalgia-tone translations. It leads visitors into a collective performance of live sounds and dance by New Collective Movement and Distractfold Ensemble heightening the senses towards the surrounding elements throughout the wholepalace courtyard. This is the culmination of every element present within the courtyard that brings the visitorsinto a harmonious experience of sound, light, movement and as they explore different parts of the courtyard.